Background • Dorothy Rose

Home Scholarship Writing Art

I am a an artist, writer, researcher, and media creator interested in technology, labor, art, archives, the humanities, and sustainable systems. I have recently been working as a grant writer, web designer, teacher's assistant, and researcher.

I received a B.A. in History from Reed College in 2013. in Communication from UC San Diego in the Feminist Labor Lab and Design Lab, where I gravitated towards the fields of science and technology studies (STS), computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and social computing. As a Ph.D. candidate, I employed qualitative methods including ethnography (grounded theory, participant observation, interviews) and historical methods to examine work health and knowledge production in sociotechnical communities. I have studied the dynamics of well-being in open technology communities and maintainer burnout.

I am also a cross-genre writer with publications that include experimental essays, poetry, short stories, and texts accompanying art exhibitions and releases. I am the author of the chapbook Troll (Inpatient Press, 2015) and have published works in: Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Canadian Art, Rhizome, DIS, and The New Inquiry, among others. Previously, I edited and co-published the Arachne webzine, where I nourished an interest in handcrafted web design and experimental publishing. I also have worked as a script consultant on a TV pilot.

From 2013 to 2016, I worked as a Wikipedian in Residence at the Metropolitan New York Library Council, archival appraisal assistant at the Jean-Noël Herlin Archive Project, where I worked on open licensing, archival databases, and cataloguing.

I am forever shaped by former work I did as a farmers market fish seller, berry picker, gas station clerk, barista, server, movie theater attendant, tutor, and intern.